02/15/25 Broken Shadow Host@ cobblestone
Gates open: 7:00
Gates close: 9:50
Chrono ends: 10:15
Safety Brief: 10:30
Game scenario- Push the payload
Assault team Objective: escort the Nuke into defending teams turf, arm the nuke, and protect it for 5min to blow up each F.O.B.
Defending team Objective: hold F.O.B’s against assaulting forces, if all F.O.B.’s are captured defense loses.
Multiple F.O.B’s will be placed threw out the field controlled by defending forces, they can be used as temporary respawn locations by any team who controls it. If the F.O.B is under any type of attack or gun fire it is unable to be used as a spawn until it’s safe again. To capture a F.O.B players must bomb each flag at F.O.B bases to permanently capture them.
Assault team will start with one Nuke and must safely escort it. Game control will slowly move it towards each F.O.B. If there are not enough players to defend the payload it stops moving. Once assault team has pushed the payload to the defenders F.O.B, it must be armed and protected for a 5min countdown. If the bomb is disarmed while counting down the assault team must rearm the bomb again.
D.Special rulesets
Medic- if gear/ equipment or person is hit by a BB for the first time that person may choose to bleed out on the field for 1 min. During that minute any player can place a hand on said person for TEN Mississippi COUNT (10 seconds) to revive. Only one revive per life.
Head shots and explosions are not treatable and results in instant death No Bleed Out for said deaths.