Broken Shadow Airsoft Tribe Presents, Wendigo’s Call
Location: Stoney’s Mill
Gates open: 7:00
Gates close: 9:50
Chrono ends: 10:15
Safety Brief: 10:30
Field fee $5.⁰⁰ Cash
With the mass destruction of the forest and surrounding plains due to manmade forest fires, a Wendigo’s wrath has been brought to bear. Using dark magics these creatures turn unsuspecting soldiers in the area into cursed and undying thralls, spreading the curse via touch to bolster their ranks in order to defend what little forest life remains.
Both teams are tasked with Hunting down all Wendigos, team to kill majority wendigos wins.
Intelligence says only melee weapons coated in Silver will bring down the beast so bring your blades for silver coating!
Game ends when Wendigo(s) are killed, or when one team is completely converted into Thralls.
Thralls will be without an arm band, armed with CQB weapons or melee weapons. Have a bleed out time of 1 minute. Thralls may spawn from the location of death or can choose to respawn in corn or the Shepherds shrine. Thralls cannot infect but may transport dead players to a windigo for infection.
Respawn for yellow/blue will be 2man/2min after a mandatory 1 minute bleed out.
Specially Rules-
Semi locked
LMG are 1 sec burst(2 per team)
Corn is Melee only
Steak the dead- if a thrall is killed or staked during bleed out with a melee weapon they must respawn from corn or the Sheppard shrine.
Drag the dead- thralls must have 1 hand on downed players to move them. *Be kind and don’t push or pull anyone beyond their ability/comfort level*