Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be a game this Saturday?
Can I come to an event even if I’m not a member of a team?
Yes, the local events are open to all airsoft enthusiasts with a good attitude and willingness to play honorably.
Can I come to an event if I am under 18?
This is a question that makes lawyers cringe because there is nothing more dangerous to someone over 18 than someone under 18.
That being said, if you are in attendance with an adult or your parents greet the host at the beginning of each event to let them know they have their permission, then you are welcomed to play.
These are like pickup games at a park or a “gathering of friends;” the host takes no responsibility for your actions or any injuries you sustain or inflict or damages caused otherwise. We do not take a head count before and after the game so make sure someone at the event is looking out for you.
Regional and National events have their own rules pertaining to minors.
What uniform do I need to wear?
If you want to minimize the possibility of wearing a colorful armband, please wear Multicam, British DPM, Woodland M81, Marpat, or A-TACS. You can play in civilian clothes or any camo configuration.
If you are a member of a team, you should always wear your designated team uniform unless otherwise stated in the scenario. When everyone brings a different set of camo it forces us to use brightly colored armbands, which defeats the purpose of wearing camouflaged uniforms.
What do I need to bring to an event?
You need to bring eye protection (see what kind of eye protection do I need?), a red rag, a watch, and drinking water.
We have had 12 people incur damaged teeth over the last 2 years, so it is highly encouraged that you bring mouth protection as well. Some players wear paintball masks, others boxing mouth guards, and some have made improvised masks. It is HIGHLY recommended that parents of minors enforce full face masks with ear protection.
What kind of eye/ear protection do I need?
This is a difficult question but the easy part to answer is that;
eyeglasses, sun glasses and sky goggles don’t offer sufficient protection. You should have ANZI Z87.1 compliant full seal goggles or better.
Paintball masks offer the best protection for both the eyes and face but have the drawback of interfering with sighting and situational awareness. We recommend all players use a full face mask with ear protection. Your injuries are your own responsibility to prevent.
Some players wear ballistic rated shooting glasses, but they are not full seal, which allows bbs coming from odd angles to get behind them or multiple hits to knock them out of position altogether. It is HIGHLY recommended you do NOT wear shooting glasses and instead wear a full face mask.
What other protective clothing should I wear?
We have had over 12 people lose or chip a tooth in the last year – some form of mouth protection is strongly suggested.
Kneepads are very common protective gear at the events. They help protect against falls but they also allow you to stay comfortable in a kneeling position for a much longer period of time.
Hiking/combat boots that go above the ankle help guard against ankle twists, goat heads and thorny vines.
Gloves, finger hits hurt like the dickens not to mention the thorn bushes, insects and cold weather. A pair of good tight fitting gloves can go a long way to making your game day enjoyable.
Does anyone rent guns or sell ammunition at the events?
Many members in our community have multiple airsoft guns and spares parts available for rental. Each person sets their own price on the items they rent out. Check out the gun rental agreement for information.
You are responsible for your own eye/mouth/ear protection.
Why is gear up always an hour before game time?
This provides ample time to get your gear loaded and put on and still have time to help set up the event.
When the host calls everyone to the safety briefing at the start of each game you are expected to be ready to go. Everyone needs to attend that briefing promptly so we can go through the game rules and get to throwing BB’s.
What is a safety briefing?
The safety briefing is conducted at the start of each game to ensure everyone knows what the rules are and how to play the scenario.
You should have your weapon on safe, magazine out and gun pointed straight down or straight up for the safety of everyone at the briefing.
Ask questions to the host, if you have them, but do not be late to the briefing or be gabbing with others until it is concluded. You need to give the host your full attention as you don’t want to be the numb nut that screws up the game because they spaced the meeting or worse, causes someone else to miss an important detail.
By respectfully attending the meeting you are stating that you respect the rules, the game, and the other players.
If you find that you aren’t ready to go when the safety briefing is called, stop gearing up, and join the meeting. You can return to gear up afterward but you will have to catch back up to your unit.
How do I join a team?
It can sometimes be intimidating for a brand new player to approach a geared-out team and ask to join. We all started from nothing and at the end of the day, this is glorified LARPing, and we’re all nerds for it. Start with getting matching camo so you are paired with the team you want to join.
How can I get more information?
Join our Discord, there is a whole community of airsofters out there that have been exactly where you are now.