3.1 Eye protection must be worn at all times while in a playing area, any player seen without eye protection on the field/respawn regardless of position in community will be asked to leave the game.

3.2 Eye protection must be form fitting or have a rubber/foam/soft material seal that closely conforms to your facial features.

3.3 Eye protection should be ANZI Z87.1 compliant or better. This standard is usually posted either on the packaging or on the manufacturer’s website.

3.4 Mesh goggles should be made from stamped steel and not deform from repeated close range hits. It is recommend players test their mesh goggles in a careful controlled environment before attending an event with this type of goggles/face protection.

*** Safety Tip: When purchasing safety glasses/masks, Place your pinky inside the outer edge of the glasses if you can fit your finger between the rim and eye they are a no go.

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