1.0 Do not disrespect other players!

1.1 Airsoft is a game of HONOR. Please call YOUR OWN hits!

1.2 DO NOT call opposing players out. Calling opposing players out is poor sportsmanship and your side will be penalized if a controller witnesses the event. (One Exception: see section 12.9)

1.3 Players caught attempting to cheat will incur penalty points for their side, and/or may be ejected from the game and barred from future MAG events.

1.4 Players who attempt to steal, cause bodily harm, or otherwise break the law will be referred to local law enforcement officers and barred from future MAG events.

1.5 Subordinate players should observe and respect ranks and the event Chain of Command (NCO’s and Officers).

1.6 Ranking players should recognize that MAG events are GAMES. Rank is a tool to provide structure for an enjoyable game. Have fun, and remember you have a responsibility to help your subordinates to have fun as well.

1.7 There is little restriction what kind of camouflage or clothing an operator can wear, Be aware that certain teams wear specific camouflage. Arriving in a team camouflage will generally mean being placed with the team that wears said camouflage. This however does not make the operator a member of said team, Nor does it guarantee membership/recruitment in the team.

1.8 The only thing prohibited is red clothing, Shirts/pants/hats ect. Red is used to denote Game Control or Non Combatants and cannot be worn by combat personnel.

1.9 Do not under any circumstances bring real blades/Knives or other bladed weapons on the field.

1.10 Live firearms are strictly prohibited, do not bring them on field for any reason, even pre or post game.

1.11 Under no circumstances is alcohol allowed on the field. Any operator known to have consumed or have alcohol prior to a game WILL NOT be allowed to take the field.

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