4.1 NO BLIND FIRING. You must be able to see with your own eyes where your gun is pointed (no using mirrors or devices to shoot around obstacles).

4.2 Every player must have and use a red rag to signify they are dead and out of play.

4.3 Getting hit in the body or head is counted as a lethal kill. Hits to the arm or leg are counted as wounding shots (see medic rules: Section 9) Hits to weapons damage the weapon and take them out of play. (See Engineer rules: Section 10)

4.4 Lethal hits; Raise your hand over your head and yell hit. Wave your red rag above your head momentarily, then tie it around/through the front sight of your rifle or attach it to your head in a SECURE fashion. Expect to be hit multiple times while doing so – in the chaos of combat fellow players rarely have split-second trigger control. Assume a non-combative posture and quickly remove yourself from the area.

4.5 When wounded call hit and take a knee and pull your red rag, call for a medic (see medic rules: Section 9) Wounded cannot move or shoot, they can however speak to a medic, IE: “call for medic” “Get me out of here” Ect. However wounded should not give away positions to non medics. There is a two minute bleed out time, However if a medic is not available then the Operator can choose to bleed out and go to respawn.

4.6 Weapon hits: When your weapon is hit it is rendered useless and can no longer be used. You may use sidearms, or secondary weapons. The damaged weapon can only be brought back into play when the operator respawns or if a engineer repairs the weapon. (see engineer: Section 10)

4.7 Please keep in mind most players cannot hear you. Your raised arm, and red rag is the first and most important sign of being hit. Getting hit while dead is going to happen, either by walking into a firefight, or by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do not overreact. Simply wave your arm or red rag and proceed to respawn. Do not yell, cuss or disrupt game play or your team may be penalized and you may be removed from the event.

4.8 A dead operator is out of play and cannot talk, use the radio or give away enemy positions. Violation of this rule will result in removal from the event.

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