9.1 When a player is hit anywhere on the body the player enters a wounded state. Wounded operators cannot use any weapons or talk beyond calling for a medic. A wounded operator cannot call
out enemy positions or objectives.

9.2 Players must still yell HIT loud and clear, raising his/her hand in the air and pull out their red rag and take a knee. After the red rag has been displayed they can then call for a medic.

9.3 Wounded operators cannot move on their own*, however a medic can move the operator, simply place a hand on the operators shoulder and the wounded can move with the medic.

*If you are wounded and wind up in the line of fire or are in the way of a objective, You may move out of the way for the sake of safety.

9.4 Any additional hits while wounded do not count, unless its a grenade, explosive or knife kill.

9.5 A wounded operator cannot under any circumstances be used as cover.

9.6 The wounded operator has a 2 minute “bleed out” time for a medic to revive the operator. However if a medic is not available or cannot reach the wounded operator they may choose to simply die and return to respawn at any time.

9.7 To revive a wounded operator the medic must reach the wounded and tie a bandage around the operator’s arm. The operator is then back in play and any hit from then on is considered a lethal hit.

9.8 Operators can only be healed once per life. Once the operator has returned to spawn they can stow the bandage and are alive once again.

9.9 Medic bandages can be any white piece of cloth that can be tied around a operators arm. This includes bandannas, strips of cloth or real bandages, tourniquets or gauze.

9.10 It is the each operators responsibility to have a bandage in their kit. An operator with out a bandage cannot use the medic rule set and must respawn as normal.

9.11 Medics cannot heal themselves, but a medic can heal other medics.

9.12 Each team can have one medic per squad (or roughly 6-8 operators). It is up to individual teams to decide who is tasked to be a Medic. Either as a permanent position or on the day appointment.

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