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Operation Phantom Fury 12-7
Stoney's Mill 43.873217,-116.519482Operation Phantom Fury Location: stony mills Chrono closes at 10:15 SHARP! Brief 10:30 Game time 11-2 (3 hours depending on weather) Fee 5$ Iraqi insurgency has returned, Coalition Forces have eliminated threats outside of al-Fallujah creating a green zone. Coalition forces must enter Al-Fallujah and eliminate the insurgency. Coalition forces, rules of engagement apply. Civilian […]
12-21-24 Stoney’s Mill~Flag Runner~
Stoney's Mill 43.873217,-116.51948212-21-24 @ Stoneys Mill Gates open: 7:00 Gates close: 9:50 Chrono ends: 10:15 Safety Brief: 10:30 Field fee $5.⁰⁰ Cash Each team will be given a flag to transport to the capture point. The flag bearer must plant the flag with their team's color upright and leave it for another teammate to take that flag […]